Thursday 17 May 2012

Teacher Comment

Vi you are making the most of a range of opportunities that Enrich offers, and are clearly enjoying things like Spanish with Paola, and the drama talent development. It is important to plan your day to make the most of all the opportunities enrich offers.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Making pancakes with Tabbitha

Today for Passion Time, Tabbitha and I made pancakes.  We were experimenting with different types of flour.  Last week we made ones with normal flour and corn flour.  This week, we used rice flour.  Our results:
Normal Flour - Really good, smooth and tasty.
Corn Flour - Gritty, sticky and yuck.
Rice Flour - Really good, a bit gritty, but delicious.
Next time, we are going to make muffins using a variety of ingredients to make them gluten free.